
Print Media

Print Media

Tunisie : Marouane Abassi, un capitaine de la finance seul dans la tempête

Depuis sa nomination en 2018, le gouverneur de la Banque centrale de Tunisie est le référent financier du pays. Salué pour sa capacité à maintenir le pays à flot,

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Vrij Nederland

“How Europe is colonizing the North African energy market

9 November 2022

I’m the one the Fed wants to fight, they know not whence my appetite, I hide in plain sight, garnering a lot of spite. They taunt me in every speech, but I’m way out of their reach

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New Click India

Universalise Public Services, Fund Job Guarantee, Provide Generous Income Support’

22 October 2022

In the second and last part of the interview, MMT economist Fadhel Kaboub explains why and how India should urgently work on an alternative framework of development that leaves no one behind.

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New Click India

There’s a Whole Ideological Package That Goes With Raising Interest Rates: Fadhel Kaboub

21 October 2022

In a two-part interview, Fadhel Kaboub, Associate Professor of Economics at Denison University, Ohio, speaks of Modern Monetary Theory’s relevance for emerging countries like India.

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“In Tunisia, the economic crisis is coming to a head. Can a new IMF loan help?

October 13, 2022

Versorgungsengpässe, Inflation, Auslandsschulden: Das Land steckt in der Krise und ein Ausweg aus der Schuldenspirale ist kaum in Sicht

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From the sugar crisis to the gasoline crisis: Tunisians’ struggle with populist illusions and economic challenges

October 13, 2022

على الرغم من إعلانه شن حرب شعواء ضد من أسماهم المحتكرين والمضاربين، فإن نتائج السياسة المتبعة من قبل الرئيس قيس سعيد بدت عكسية حيث ما انفك الشعب التونسي يواجه أزمة تلو أخرى في علاقة بشح بعض المواد الأساسية وغلاء البعض الآخر بشكل مستعر. فكيف يمكن تفسير هذه المفارقة؟

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Deutsche Welle

Mahsa Amini… Solidarity with Arab activists and invoking the memory of Bouazizi

October 11, 2022

The echoes of the ongoing protests in Iran over the death of the Kurdish young woman, Mahsa Amini, after she was detained by what is known as the "morality police", were not far from the Arab world

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